Raspberry Pi Streaming Video Setup
- If you do not already have pip installed on your Raspberry Pi, please use this command to install it:
- sudo apt-get install python-pip
- Install the picamera library by running this command:
- pip install picamera
- Install the flask Python library by running this command:
- sudo pip install flask
- Download Miguel’s Flask video streaming project by running this command:
- git clone https://github.com/miguelgrinberg/flask-video-streaming.git
- In the project folder edit the app.py file.
- Comment out this line by adding a “#” to the beginning
- #from camera import CameraUn-comment this line
- from camera_pi import Camera
- Save the file.
- Run this command to find out the local IP address of your Raspberry Pi.
- ifconfig
- You will see many lines of output. You are looking for this one:
- inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
- The inet addr is your local IP address. In this case,
- Start the Flask server by running this command:
- python app.py
- You will see this, which means that the server is running on port 5000 and is ready.
- * Running on
- * Restarting with reloader
- Open up a web browser on your favorite device and go to this address, except replace that IP address with the one that your Raspberry Pi is running on.
- You should see a live view the video that your Raspberry Pi is capturing.