This is a detailed project documentation for one of the videos we published on youtube. This is about making an IOT plant watering system using raspbery pi pico w
Components required
1) Raspberry Pi Pico W board
2) Relay
3)Usb Cable for program downloading
4) DC Power supply 5v and 12v
5)Water pump 5v
6) Plastic pipe for water distribution
7) Jumper wires
8) Breadboard
9)Small plastic jar for water storage
Circuit diagram for IOT Plant watering system using Rapsberry pi pico W
IOT Plant watering Circuit
Python Program for IOT Plant watering system using raspberry pi pico w
This is the, this is library code, use it as is without any changes/modifications
__version__ = "1.0.0" import struct import time import sys import os try: import machine gettime = lambda: time.ticks_ms() SOCK_TIMEOUT = 0 except ImportError: const = lambda x: x gettime = lambda: int(time.time() * 1000) SOCK_TIMEOUT = 0.05 def dummy(*args): pass MSG_RSP = const(0) MSG_LOGIN = const(2) MSG_PING = const(6) MSG_TWEET = const(12) MSG_NOTIFY = const(14) MSG_BRIDGE = const(15) MSG_HW_SYNC = const(16) MSG_INTERNAL = const(17) MSG_PROPERTY = const(19) MSG_HW = const(20) MSG_HW_LOGIN = const(29) MSG_EVENT_LOG = const(64) MSG_REDIRECT = const(41) # TODO: not implemented MSG_DBG_PRINT = const(55) # TODO: not implemented STA_SUCCESS = const(200) STA_INVALID_TOKEN = const(9) DISCONNECTED = const(0) CONNECTING = const(1) CONNECTED = const(2) print(""" ___ __ __ / _ )/ /_ _____ / /__ / _ / / // / _ \\/ '_/ /____/_/\\_, /_//_/_/\\_\\ /___/ for Python v""" + __version__ + " (" + sys.platform + ")\n") class EventEmitter: def __init__(self): self._cbks = {} def on(self, evt, f=None): if f: self._cbks[evt] = f else: def D(f): self._cbks[evt] = f return f return D def emit(self, evt, *a, **kv): if evt in self._cbks: self._cbks[evt](*a, **kv) class BlynkProtocol(EventEmitter): def __init__(self, auth, tmpl_id=None, fw_ver=None, heartbeat=50, buffin=1024, log=None): EventEmitter.__init__(self) self.heartbeat = heartbeat*1000 self.buffin = buffin self.log = log or dummy self.auth = auth self.tmpl_id = tmpl_id self.fw_ver = fw_ver self.state = DISCONNECTED self.connect() def virtual_write(self, pin, *val): self._send(MSG_HW, 'vw', pin, *val) def send_internal(self, pin, *val): self._send(MSG_INTERNAL, pin, *val) def set_property(self, pin, prop, *val): self._send(MSG_PROPERTY, pin, prop, *val) def sync_virtual(self, *pins): self._send(MSG_HW_SYNC, 'vr', *pins) def log_event(self, *val): self._send(MSG_EVENT_LOG, *val) def _send(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs): if 'id' in kwargs: id = kwargs.get('id') else: id = self.msg_id self.msg_id += 1 if self.msg_id > 0xFFFF: self.msg_id = 1 if cmd == MSG_RSP: data = b'' dlen = args[0] else: data = ('\0'.join(map(str, args))).encode('utf8') dlen = len(data) self.log('<', cmd, id, '|', *args) msg = struct.pack("!BHH", cmd, id, dlen) + data self.lastSend = gettime() self._write(msg) def connect(self): if self.state != DISCONNECTED: return self.msg_id = 1 (self.lastRecv, self.lastSend, self.lastPing) = (gettime(), 0, 0) self.bin = b"" self.state = CONNECTING self._send(MSG_HW_LOGIN, self.auth) def disconnect(self): if self.state == DISCONNECTED: return self.bin = b"" self.state = DISCONNECTED self.emit('disconnected') def process(self, data=None): if not (self.state == CONNECTING or self.state == CONNECTED): return now = gettime() if now - self.lastRecv > self.heartbeat+(self.heartbeat//2): return self.disconnect() if (now - self.lastPing > self.heartbeat//10 and (now - self.lastSend > self.heartbeat or now - self.lastRecv > self.heartbeat)): self._send(MSG_PING) self.lastPing = now if data != None and len(data): self.bin += data while True: if len(self.bin) < 5: break cmd, i, dlen = struct.unpack("!BHH", self.bin[:5]) if i == 0: return self.disconnect() self.lastRecv = now if cmd == MSG_RSP: self.bin = self.bin[5:] self.log('>', cmd, i, '|', dlen) if self.state == CONNECTING and i == 1: if dlen == STA_SUCCESS: self.state = CONNECTED dt = now - self.lastSend info = ['ver', __version__, 'h-beat', self.heartbeat//1000, 'buff-in', self.buffin, 'dev', sys.platform+'-py'] if self.tmpl_id: info.extend(['tmpl', self.tmpl_id]) info.extend(['fw-type', self.tmpl_id]) if self.fw_ver: info.extend(['fw', self.fw_ver]) self._send(MSG_INTERNAL, *info) try: self.emit('connected', ping=dt) except TypeError: self.emit('connected') else: if dlen == STA_INVALID_TOKEN: self.emit("invalid_auth") print("Invalid auth token") return self.disconnect() else: if dlen >= self.buffin: print("Cmd too big: ", dlen) return self.disconnect() if len(self.bin) < 5+dlen: break data = self.bin[5:5+dlen] self.bin = self.bin[5+dlen:] args = list(map(lambda x: x.decode('utf8'), data.split(b'\0'))) self.log('>', cmd, i, '|', ','.join(args)) if cmd == MSG_PING: self._send(MSG_RSP, STA_SUCCESS, id=i) elif cmd == MSG_HW or cmd == MSG_BRIDGE: if args[0] == 'vw': self.emit("V"+args[1], args[2:]) self.emit("V*", args[1], args[2:]) elif cmd == MSG_INTERNAL: self.emit("internal:"+args[0], args[1:]) elif cmd == MSG_REDIRECT: self.emit("redirect", args[0], int(args[1])) else: print("Unexpected command: ", cmd) return self.disconnect() import socket class Blynk(BlynkProtocol): def __init__(self, auth, **kwargs): self.insecure = kwargs.pop('insecure', False) self.server = kwargs.pop('server', '') self.port = kwargs.pop('port', 80 if self.insecure else 443) BlynkProtocol.__init__(self, auth, **kwargs) self.on('redirect', self.redirect) def redirect(self, server, port): self.server = server self.port = port self.disconnect() self.connect() def connect(self): print('Connecting to %s:%d...' % (self.server, self.port)) s = socket.socket() s.connect(socket.getaddrinfo(self.server, self.port)[0][-1]) try: s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 1) except: pass if self.insecure: self.conn = s else: try: import ussl ssl_context = ussl except ImportError: import ssl ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context() self.conn = ssl_context.wrap_socket(s, server_hostname=self.server) try: self.conn.settimeout(SOCK_TIMEOUT) except: s.settimeout(SOCK_TIMEOUT) BlynkProtocol.connect(self) def _write(self, data): #print('<', data) self.conn.write(data) # TODO: handle disconnect def run(self): data = b'' try: data = #print('>', data) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except socket.timeout: # No data received, call process to send ping messages when needed pass except: # TODO: handle disconnect return self.process(data)
Below is the main code for running the project. You can modify it according to your needs about pins usage
import time import network from machine import Pin import BlynkLib wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) wlan.connect("Robotics Lab","Robotics@321") BLYNK_AUTH = 'ozDgrBQOhQv0Hc-8z2oNHSIdscNyEHd6' # Wait for network connection wait = 10 while wait > 0: if wlan.status() < 0 or wlan.status() >= 3: break wait -= 1 print('waiting for connection...') time.sleep(1) # Handle connection error if wlan.status() != 3: raise RuntimeError('network connection failed') else: print('connected') ip = wlan.ifconfig()[0] print('IP: ', ip) # Connect to Blynk blynk = BlynkLib.Blynk(BLYNK_AUTH) # Initialize the relay pins relay1_pin = Pin(1, Pin.OUT) led_pin = Pin("LED", Pin.OUT) # Register virtual pin handler @blynk.on("V1") #virtual pin V1 def v1_write_handler(value): #read the value if int(value[0]) == 1: relay1_pin.value(1) #turn the relay1 on else: relay1_pin.value(0) #turn the relay1 off @blynk.on("V2") #virtual pin V1 def v2_write_handler(value): #read the value if int(value[0]) == 1: led_pin.value(1) #turn the relay1 on else: led_pin.value(0) #turn the relay1 off while True:
Photos of IOT plant watering system
IOT Plant watering project working photo
Working Video of IOT plant watering